Thursday 10 December 2009

A Taste of Honey

Tony Richardson, 1961

Two Smiths lyrics are lifted from this script*, and you can see why. Much as New York City is the only place where Shaft could make sense, so Industrial Manchester should get an Oscar for best supporting actor for A Taste of Honey.

Growing up, the 1960s seemed centuries beyond the 30s, but from today's vantage point they're becoming indistinguishable. The grimy mid-century Britain of Man In The White Suit looks the same as the one in A Taste of Honey, and even Kes is the same thing if you allow for the advent of colour film.

And, as you'd expect for an inner city, there's no cows.

= = = = = = = = =

* 'I dreamt about you last night and I fell out of bed twice' from Reel Around The Fountain, and 'the dream has gone but the baby is real' from This Night Has Opened My Eyes.

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