Thursday 28 January 2010

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Milos Forman, 1975

I saw this when I was about 15 and found it immensely powerful. Coming back to it a long time later, it is everything I remembered and more.

Magnificent group performances - so little is told of each patient's story, yet you feel you know it all and see exactly why they fail to function in the world), the subtlety of Nurse Ratchett's delivery, the allegory for the way society's norms will try to snap anyone who won't bend to them. And of course, Jack Nicholson's brilliant cocky lead, reprising many elements of his role in the underrated The Last Detail two years earlier (which was the next thing Hal Ashby directed after the magnificent Harold And Maude).

Cuckoo's Nest swept the Oscars, but then again what does that mean? So did fucking Chicago, whereas Apocalypse Now only picked them up for Best Cinematography and Best Sound.

Anyway, when a film's this good you can forgive it all manner of scenic oversights, even a lack of cattle.

No cows.

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