Friday 22 January 2010

A Serious Man

Joel and Ethan Coen, 2009

Another Coen classic. The people in their movies actually look like people instead of polished Hollywood waxjobs, the events always feel realistic even when they're highly implausible, you often don't know if the comedy is really funny or if you're a little confused, and the storytelling is really odd. You've no idea where it's going, where it'll end.

Avatar looked great but fucking hell, you knew everything that was going to happen before you went in didn't you? That Star Wars Lord of the Rings thing.Whereas the Coens don't let you even feel sure about when major characters will bow out or what's a reasonable point to end the story.

But once again they've let the bovophiles in the audience down. Are we really meant to be satisfied with a dead deer? Poor show, boys.

No cows.

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